What To Say On The Headline of Your B2B Website

The headline and the subtitle on your website are the elements that will make or break whether people will stay on your website.

So, how do you write a B2B headline that works to keep people on your site? Well, your headline and subtitle should do three main things:

  • Offer your client something they want

  • Tell them they’re in the right place

  • Compel them to keep reading

Watch the video to see examples of headlines that do these three things well, and to find out how you can use this formula for your own website.

Want an expert marketer to give you a clear list of other improvements you can make on your specific website?

Hunter Davis

Hunter is the marketing strategist at Millennial Pixels - a boutique marketing agency in Orange County, California. We help mid-sized B2B businesses stuck with word-of-mouth as their only source of referrals land more clients using their website and LinkedIn.


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